CTO Coaching

Accelerate your tech leadership journey with personalised CTO coaching.

I help CTOs become confident, strategic leaders through personalised, pragmatic coaching tailored to tech leaders.

Headshot of Adam Horner - CTO coach and Fractional CTO shown with a smile and a friendly expression.
My vision is a world where CTO coaching is an expected and standard aspect of the CTO role.
— Adam Horner, CTO Coach & Fractional CTO

Trusted by

Adam Horner - CTO Coach

Are you one of these CTOs?

CTO coaching can help you become the strategic leader you want to be

Image representing CTO coaching showing one person helping another person up a rocky cliff in silhouette with the sun shining in the background.

Accelerate your CTO journey

Introduction to CTO coaching services

Being a CTO means juggling technical innovation, aligning tech strategies with business goals, leading teams, and communicating clearly. Without the right support, these responsibilities can become overwhelming. It’s easy to get stuck in daily challenges, slowing your growth and your organization’s progress.

My personalized, pragmatic CTO coaching taps into your real-world experiences. This hands-on approach boosts your leadership, strategic thinking, and communication skills. With my guidance, you’ll quickly overcome obstacles, achieve ambitious goals, and elevate your organization.

My CTO coaching program accelerates your journey, helping you reach your full potential faster and more efficiently.

Image of a green verdant tree being cupped int he hands of a person. Representing nurturig and supportive aspects of CTO leadership coaching.

Why choose Adam Horner as your CTO coach?

My coaching approach and methodology

Executive coaching for CTOs usually offer generic advice or rigid courses that don’t cater to the unique, individual needs of CTOs. These one-size-fits-all approaches often waste time and money without delivering real results.

My CTO coaching is designed for CTOs and leaders in tech. By blending coaching, teaching, and mentoring, I provide proven methods and personalized guidance that deliver real results. My CTO coaching program addresses the specific challenges of being a tech leader, offering targeted, timely, and relevant support to help you excel.

Image of a bar graph with increasing height and an arrow also drawn by a hand following the upward growth. Represents how CTO coaching can help accelerate growth and development.

Why do CTOs need a coach?

CTO coaching is essential for tech leaders

CTOs often don’t get the support in leadership and strategy that other executives do. While CEOs and other C-suite executives have access to coaching, why are CTOs expected to manage without it? This leaves many feeling isolated and unprepared.

CTOs deserve the same support as other executives. My CTO leadership coaching bridges this gap, offering the guidance and support you need to thrive. By focusing on both personal and professional growth, I help you develop the confidence and skills to lead effectively, creating a positive and productive work environment.


Benefits of my personalised,
pragmatic CTO coaching

What you will learn

Meet your CTO coach - Adam Horner

Image of Adam Horner, CTO Coach and Fractional CTO with a smile and a friendly, approachable expression.

Adam Horner brings over 30 years of software development experience, with the last decade dedicated to leading teams as a Chief Technology Officer. He has driven innovation and growth across diverse industries, including FinTech, GovTech, RegTech, MarTech, big data, and information security.

Adam’s journey from Engineer to strategic CTO was challenging. Without a coach, he learned through the school of hard knocks, making avoidable mistakes and experiencing slower progress. This fuels his mission to support CTOs on their growth journey, providing the guidance and acceleration he once lacked.

  • Adam’s personalized, pragmatic coaching is designed to accelerate your tech leadership journey and transform you into a confident, strategic leader. He focuses on aligning tech strategies with business goals, developing leadership skills, enhancing strategic thinking, and improving team performance. Through his blended coaching, teaching, and mentoring approach, Adam ensures CTOs can navigate complex challenges and excel in their roles.

    Having coached and mentored hundreds—from engineers to VPs to CTOs in both startups and large enterprises—Adam understands the unique challenges tech leaders face. His targeted, effective guidance supports your personal and professional growth, boosting your confidence and advancing your career.

    With Adam as your CTO coach, you'll gain the confidence and skills to elevate your leadership and drive your organization to new heights.

  • CTO at Synova Technology

    As the CTO Adam focuses on helping CTOs, startups, and scaleups accelerate through CTO coaching and fractional CTO services.

    CTO at Realforce

    Restructured the engineering teams and overhauled the marketing technology platform, aligning the technology strategy with business objectives, financial sustainability, and market dynamics through turbulent times.

    Co-founder & CTO of Satago

    At the VC-funded fintech company, he delivered a disruptive solution in single invoice finance and accounts receivable management, now a leading product within TruFin PLC.

    Palantir Technologies

    Embraced multiple roles in technical sales, big data management, information security, and technical recruitment during its hypergrowth phase. Contributions were instrumental in escalating European sales from minimal to tens of millions of US dollars annually.

Frequently asked questions

  • My coaching is specifically designed for CTOs and senior technology leaders. I blend coaching, teaching, and mentoring, using proven methods and personalized guidance to deliver real results. My extensive experience in various tech industries ensures you receive relevant and practical advice.

  • I generally recommend 1 hour of coaching per week. This allows enough time to address changes and progress without losing momentum between sessions. Coaching more than once a week can be helpful initially, but weekly sessions are usually best for maintaining focus and steady, sustainable growth.

  • Every session is tailored to your specific needs and does not follow a fixed syllabus. Instead, sessions address your specific challenges, offering targeted, timely, and relevant guidance and support using proven methods around a personalized plan. A typical session usually includes these four stages:

    1. General catch-up
    2. Discussion on recent significant events
    3. In-depth review of previous weeks' learnings
    4. Wrap-up and summary

  • The speed of results depends on your current challenges, the effort and focus you commit, and the level of unpredictable events you encounter. With dedication, you can start seeing meaningful progress within a few weeks.

  • I tailor each coaching session to address your immediate challenges and goals. We focus on real-world scenarios and your current experiences to ensure practical, relevant guidance.

  • Yes, I coach senior technology leaders such as team leads, VPs of engineering, and technical founders. Additionally, I coach senior product leaders (CPO, CPTO) and founder CEOs of tech-centric startups.

  • I am flexible and currently support European, US, and overlapping time zones.

  • Getting started is easy. Contact me to schedule an initial consultation where we’ll discuss your goals, challenges, and how coaching can help you. From there, if there is a good fit, we will set up regular sessions that fit your schedule.

Book your introduction meeting

Ready to elevate your CTO leadership? Learn how our CTO coach, Adam Horner, can help you accelerate your tech leadership journey.

Other services

  • Fractional CTO Services

    Access top-tier technology leadership without the full-time cost

  • Strategy Workshops

    Drive strategic alignment to grow your startup or scaleup

Still have questions?